Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to get started with a walking routine ...

  • If you're worried about how brisk walking might affect your health, talk with your doctor before you start a walking program.
  • Start with a short-term goal. For example, walk for 5 or 10 minutes every day. Or increase your number of steps by 300 to 500 each day.
  • After you've made walking a habit, set a longer-term goal. You may want to set a goal of walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a day or work up to 10,000 steps a day. You can try to do this 5 days a week or more.
  • You can wear a pedometer to track your steps each day.
  • To stay motivated, find a walking partner, such as a family member, friend, or coworker. Daily dog walks are also a great way to keep up your walking routine.
  •  Join me here or on facebook where we can report out successes daily ... how may minutes/hours, steps or miles walked each day - I will be one of your biggest fans!!!  Be a Healthy Hoofer!
  • Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Why walking shoes?

    Why walking shoes?

    At first glance, walking and running seem very similar. But when you look closely at the two activities and the demands they place on your feet and your footwear, the two are really quite different. Differences that affect the need for, and design of, two very different styles of shoes. But before we get to the shoes, let's take a look at walking and running and the body mechanics involved with each.

    As you walk, the body's weight is distributed more evenly on the foot than when you run. When walking, your weight rolls from the heel, through the ball and continues to the toe in one foot after the other. This gentler, rocking-chair like motion requires your feet to absorb the shock of only 1-2x your body weight with each step. And, during walking there are points where both feet are firmly on the ground, dividing weight. Running, on the other hand (or foot for that matter) requires the support of at least 2-3x your body weight and each stride has moments with neither foot on the ground. With each step, the outer heel absorbs most of the impact before distributing weight through the foot in an S motion through toe off. So what's this mean to your shoes? Basically, it's the old axiom of having the right tool for the job.

    Walking shoes are designed with the specific body mechanics and strike path of walking in mind. They are constructed to be more flexible through the ball of the foot to allow a greater range of motion through the roll of the forefoot. They also have greater arch support to protect where the force is heaviest on the foot. Running shoes, in contrast, have more cushioning in the heel–the point of impact–and less protection through the ball of the foot. The amount of heat generated in the running motion is greater, so running shoes also are made with a higher amount of mesh to keep feet cool during exercise.

    Picking the proper shoes can prevent discomfort, injury and will encourage you to maintain an active lifestyle. When you shop for shoes, wear the socks you exercise in. The shoes should be comfortable as soon as you put them on. The heel ought to fit snugly, not slip up out of the shoe. If the shoes are tight, do not expect them to stretch out, even if they look stylish. Since feet swell during the day, shop for shoes in the afternoon or after a long walk. To prevent painful blisters, calluses, and to avoid foot disorders like bunions and hammertoes, check for enough room on the sides of your feet, above your toes, and about a half-inch between the end of your longest toe and the shoe.

    When picking a new pair of walking shoes, be sure to consider your arch type. You can determine this by bringing an old shoe to the store with you, or by dampening your foot and placing it on a piece of paper. What does your footprint look like? If you don't see much of a footprint, you have a high arch. If it is wide, your feet are flat. Feet with high arches may be prone to stress because of the lack of natural shock absorption. Seek shoes with cushioning to alleviate this problem. If your feet are flat, they may not support your body well, leading to muscle and joint stress in your feet and knees. Walking shoes that are more structured will give you stability. Look for shoes with medial (inside) support to limit over-pronation and support your feet.

    It is most important that your shoes feel comfortable so that you do not avoid exercising. Once your shoes are worn out, they must be replaced. If you can see through the outer sole to the midsole, or feel the support buckling as you exercise, it is time for a new pair. Even well-made shoes eventually degrade. The best advice is to keep track of the mileage on your shoe. On average, shoes last roughly 300-500 miles, so if you walk for exercise, keeping a weekly log of miles will help you understand when your shoes are ready to be replaced.

    The best way to ensure that you will enjoy exercising is to have gear that fits right. Whether you decide walking, running, or cross-training is the best activity for you, now you can make an informed decision about the shoes that will help you achieve your goals.

    Article from

    Walk away from depression

    I have been reading so many studies and articles about depression because I always suffer it during the dreary winters of Oregon.  What I have found is that if you walk moderately for 3 to 5 days a week (preferrably 5 days) in about 6 to 8 weeks you will truly notice a difference.  Not only that but the good feelings last for months.  So before trying medications, my suggestion is try walking.  I know it is not always what you want to do - but force yourself and you will not regret your choice.  This has been the easiest winter on me simply because I walked!!!   Be a Healthy Hoofer!

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Add fun to your walking goal

    I must walk at least 1/2 hour in the morning and again in the afternoon/evening for a total of one hour each day to earn $1 for the tip jar.  It can be walking outdoors or on the treadmill - just needs to be a total of one hour for that day!  I am going to buy a new walking outfit when I have enough money in the jar.  The nicest thing is my husband is the one to put the money in the jar!!              Be creative and reward yourself too!

    Challenge #1

    Here is the first challenge!!!  Will you walk 1,000 miles in a year?  Did you realize if you walk just 3 miles per day that would be 1,095 miles in a year!  You can do it!  You won't do it unless you try!  I have joined and set up a group to do this.  Send me your email address and I will add you to my team of Healthy Hoofers!  It is all about accountability and challenging yourself daily.  You can track your miles however you want.  It is an honor system.  Yes you can use your treadmill miles!  Let me hear from you!  We will also be posting our walking miles here too!    I have also created a page on facebook and hope you will like and follow our progress there! see you there!
    I walked 3 miles today!!!   How about you?


    Welcome to the Healthy Hoofers Walking Club!  I am setting up a facebook page and decided a blog to go along with it is perfect ... anxious to meet all of you that join me on our journey.  Look for the upcoming challenges!